SLC Meeting description
Sphingolipids have been first described as one of the major structural constituents of biological membranes.
However, their functional role has attracted increased attention over the years.
They are crucial in the control of cell survival and differentiation by regulating several molecular and biochemical pathways.
The Sphingolipid Club International Meeting will cover all the topics associated with sphingolipids, ranging from their biochemical and biophysical properties to
the development of new technologies and applications.
Particular attention will be also paid to the role of sphingolipids in both human health and disease conditions with the aim to provide a global scenario of emerging role of sphingolipids in translational medicine.
This Meeting will bring together well-established experts and young investigators and will be open to researchers from outside the field, who have recently become interested in sphingolipid biology. All this will provide a vibrant, interdisciplinary and cross-generational environment which will allow all the participants to share their “sphingolipid vision” and to establish new fruitful and exciting collaborations.
14thSLCMeetin : 7-11 September 2022
14thSLCMeetin : 8 September 2022
14thSLCMeetin : 9 September 2022
14thSLCMeetin : 10 – 11 September 2022